

Insurance Services Novartis is a free service for Novartis and its associates. It is based on objective criteria and provides information in accordance with the contents of the partner brochures in the well-understood interests of associates. With the consent of the associate and only for the purpose of preparing an offer with advice, Novartis Insurance Services passes on the address data to the selected partners. The insurance provider's service center is liable for any errors in advice or incorrect information and is responsible for the duty to provide information in accordance with Art. 45 VAG and confirms the final advice with the corresponding protocol for signature. Employees are solely responsible for the conclusion or non-conclusion of a contract and any applicable insurance conditions. For all other questions, employees must contact the relevant insurance company.

When you use and/or download information, software or documents from these websites, you expressly agree to the following conditions:

The offers on the website are intended exclusively for Novartis associates. Consultation is provided according to objective criteria, based on the information received from you. You bear sole responsibility for the final decision whether or not to conclude an insurance agreement.

These web pages serve to communicate information. They do not constitute offers in the legal sense. They are designed and developed to the best of our knowledge, but there is no guarantee that the information, software, documents or other details conveyed on these pages are correct and complete. For binding information, please refer to the relevant regulations, policies and general insurance conditions.

We do not accept any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential losses arising from the use of software, information or material on our website or from links to other websites.

Otherwise the same legal disclaimers apply to these web pages as to the Novartis website