On retirement, the compulsory insurance cover with SUVA for accidents ends the day after entitlement to at least half your salary ceases.
If you live in Switzerland
After this, a special interim accident insurance SUVA group agreement concluded with Novartis for an extension of cover provides with insurance cover for non-occupational accidents in accordance with the benefits stipulated in the Accident Insurance Act for a maximum of 6 consecutive months. Once this period of grace comes to an end, you have to make your own arrangements for appropriate accident insurance cover (e.g. by including accident cover in your health insurance). If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you do not live in Switzerland
We recommend that you contact the relevant social insurance institution in your country of residence.
Advantageous conditions
You, your family, or your partner can benefit from advantageous conditions in a wide variety of insurance plans. Please don’t hesitate to request an offer from us – no strings attached.